
buzz buzz

here are some things I've been working on, some for others and some for myself:

Zach gave me this chair, for a play called The Rainbow Room, which I am doing the set design for.Its a lovely chair that had some not so lovely green ripped fabric, so I recovered it, as well as its twin.

pocket helped a lot.

and here we have a continuation of my reupholstering kick, but this is a project I've been meaning to do for years, since my good friend's mom gave me this little footstool. it looks much classier now, yes?

the insides were interesting...hay and burlap. I think this is a real old footstool.

ta da!

and here are some "scales" that will soon adorn a puppet, Trinkulous, I am making for Starmites- an Intergalactic Comic Book Musical.
fun fun fun

and here is a look at my giant (about 4' across) dream catcher/chandelier I am making for the show at La Luz in June with my buddy Cooper!

finally, here is the painting I sold (yay!) at La Luz de Jesus' group show last friday!

that's all for now, back to puppet surgery.


Jules said...

ooo, a barrage of beautiful things! That dreamcatcher looks wonderful already...I'm excited to see the finished product!

Daniel Zeppo said...

the one who bought this piece was really lucky, it's such a beatiful work..

(pocket is very photogenic, by the way...)


mjwunder said...

The foot stool from my old house! You recovered it! I like I like